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Legacy Council

The Legacy Council works to make sure that Bishop Blanchet has and keeps a strong relationship with the Native community around Seattle. We also work on educating the student body.

Our purpose is to offer chances for the Bishop Blanchet community to gain knowledge and understanding of Native culture and issues important to the Native community. The Council aims to inform the student body of how this school’s specific history is tied to the original inhabitants of this land and how we can be in communion with them today.

Land Acknowledgment Mural

legacy council mural

Art by Tommy Segundo (Haida/Coast Salish)
Installed August 2024

Land Acknowledgment

We are gathered on the ancestral lands and waters of all Indigenous Peoples, the Duwamish, Suquamish, Muckleshoot, and Tulalip, who have left their footprints on Mother Earth before us. 

We respectfully acknowledge those who have walked on it, those who walk on it now, and future generations who have yet to walk upon it. 

We pray to the Creator for strength and wisdom that all may continue to serve as stewards of the Earth. 

We say a land acknowledgment before events as a way to show respect.  Acknowledging land has been a practice even before European colonizers.  It is important we use them now as reading them is a powerful way of showing respect, honoring Indigenous peoples and the land we live on.  It ensures the continuation of teachings of Native histories and ties our community to the Native community around Seattle and beyond.

It is best practice to provide actionable commitment to go beyond land acknowledgement, especially given our institutional context.

The Legacy Council continues to collaborate and learn specifically from these three partners:
ClearSky Youth Council, Off the Rez, CreNative Designz

legacy council partners

Council Members:

Samuel Hartin Pasco
Milo Hubert
MJ Pouley
Elliot Schoenholz
Addie Milios

Anna Sixkiller

Please contact Legacy Council Faculty Advisor Mr. Jesse McFeron with questions at

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