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The English Department of Bishop Blanchet High School seeks to empower all students with the abilities to think critically, to read introspectively, and to write precisely; these skills will not only bring success in a college setting, but will also provide students with communication and language skills necessary for a productive citizenship. Students are presented with a wide range of literature and are expected to respond in ways that reflect an understanding of Gospel values. Students learn to write for different audiences and varying purposes including persuasion, description, exposition and narration. They demonstrate the ability to evaluate and critically analyze the materials they read.

Department Philosophy: The English department empowers students to think critically and make informed decisions after exploring multiple perspectives. English courses will prepare students to research, assess evidence, and provide analysis at both the text and universal levels in order to explore truth through varied lenses. Working individually and collaboratively, students will strive to attain their greatest academic potential in the classroom while laying the foundation for seeking justice for everyone outside the classroom.

Courses offered:

English 9
English 9 Honors
English 10
English 10 Honors
English 11
English Language and Composition AP
English 12
English Literature and Composition AP
Advanced Journalism
The Graphic Novel as Literature
Speech and Debate

For descriptions please see the Course Catalog.

teacher teaching english class
english teacher in class working with students
  • academics
  • classes
  • courses
  • english
  • reading
  • writing
students in french class
  • academics
  • classes
  • course
  • french
  • german
  • languages
  • spanish
  • world languages
Science teacher working with students
  • academics
  • biology
  • chemistry
  • classes
  • courses
  • labs
  • physics
  • science
Theology teacher in class
  • academics
  • classes
  • courses
  • teachers
  • teaching
  • theology