Bishop Blanchet Improv Club is a club that meets weekly to practice the skills of improvisational theater. Improv is simply “ theater without a script “. Improv Club works together developing skills, practicing exercises of improv comedy games, scenes, team work, character development and storytelling technique.
Improv Club is open to ALL students who enjoy creativity, theater, writing, and storytelling.
We are not limited to actors. Improv requires listening, accepting, saying “ yes “, spontaneity, taking risks, and collaborating to create memorable scenes and stories together. Improv can be used in all areas of life! The goal is to have FUN while maintaining respect for self, others and the values of BBHS. The club advisor is a professional performer/teacher in Seattle company Unexpected Productions.
Performance: Improv Team is a select group of Improv Club members who perform at school events, drama events, and the annual citywide high school Theatersports competition, called “Hogan Cup''. Students invited to be Improv Team performers will demonstrate strong improv skills, creativity, listening, and support of other team members. They will attend most meetings and performances. We hope to perform at least 3 times each school year. Hogan Cup performances are in October and November. Details on performance opportunities will be shared in advance. Mask and current health protocols will be followed.
When and Where the club meets:
Thursdays at 3:00 - 4:30 pm and Late start mornings as scheduled in advance. Meetings will begin September 8th in Black Box Theater or Haggerty Hall when the theater is in use by the Drama Department. Location will be updated in the Improv club classroom.
Service project: Improv Club hopes to provide a service project in the community as health protocols allow. Details and dates to be arranged.
Moderator: Ms. Leona Partridge